Equal pay audits
We can help you work towards equality in your organisation’s reward structures and then develop strategies to maintain them.
Knowing the detail of the pay gaps in your organisation makes sound business sense - and larger organisations have to publish their gender pay gaps annually.
We can audit pay gaps (typically by gender and ethnicity), then explain our findings and provide you with advice on tackling any risk areas we find.
This might involve helping you implement more transparent structures and apply robust reward policies that will promote equal pay.
Gender pay reporting legislation requires employers with 250 or more employees to publish statutory calculations every year showing how large the pay gap is between their male and female employees.
While placing greater focus on fair pay, the publication of adverse results or the failure to comply with the legislation may lead to negative publicity and damaged reputations. In extreme cases, any resulting equal pay claims could be costly.
When publishing the report, you should consider whether to include additional context to the figures in supporting commentary. This could be to explain any actions being taken to address pay gaps or to explain how they compare with peer organisations.
As reporting is annual, you will need to think carefully about how to make improvements to the statistics year on year - and how to use the process to help improve your business.
We will accurately assemble the gender pay metrics that you need to report.
To capture the right data, we will give you a template to populate, along with guidance notes that explain the information that you need to include.
We will then summarise this in a report template ready to be signed off and published. You can add any further commentary to the results to help present them in the best context.
We will conduct a more detailed analysis of your gender pay data, such as by job level, full time/part time roles and by function, business unit and region.
The review can also be extended to cover other comparisons, such as by ethnicity and disability, depending on your structure and the data you collect.
We can also consider the wider elements of your total reward package, such as allowances and benefits to provide a full picture.
Our findings will be set out in a report that clearly explains the issues. We will identify any pay gaps and bring these to your attention, helping you to focus on any high risk areas.
The Government provides a website from which gender pay metrics from all submitted returns can be downloaded.
To draw valid comparisons with your peers is not easy, but we have developed a database which enables us to drill down and look at the published information to assess how you compare with similar organisations. We also use this to show the trends in your figures against your previous returns. It also puts things into perspective by showing exactly where you rank against your peers.
We can present the data in a table that compares your data for each measure with:
the whole sample.
organisations in your size range.
a requested sample of named organisations.
organisations in your employer's Standard industrial classification of economic activities (SIC) code.
As there is a time lag between data submission and its inclusion on the website, we can also search for specific organisations' gender pay gap reports and incorporate this data for you.
“EBRS supported us to produce our Gender Pay Gap report.
They translated a very technical concept into a practical project plan and shared key milestones that we needed to follow.
Karl provided easy to use documentation and tips on how to complete our report in plenty of time.
I would recommend EBRS to support businesses creating their Gender Pay reports.”